CV 02/2023
Personal Information
Born in Austria
Mother of a 17-year-old
University of Innsbruck, Austria. MA in Sociology: Social and Political Theory
Thesis: Smart City - 21st Century Panopticon? Rationality and high modernist ideology in sustainable urban planning.
Advisor: Univ.-Prof.Dr. Alan Scott
University of Basel, Switzerland.
Semester abroad, Swiss-European Mobility Programme.
University of Innsbruck, Austria. BA in Sociology
1st Thesis (translation): Scientific identity in the Web 2.0.
Advisor: assoz.Prof. Silvia Rief
2nd Thesis (translation): Linguistic habitus of Austria’s political elite.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Markus Pohlmann
Research Projects
Dissertation, University of Vienna, Department of Sociology, Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences
The changing rules of local welfare: Territorial disparities and welfare policy institutions in times of new social risks in Austria and the United Kingdom.
Adivsor: Univ-Prof. Yuri Kazepov, PhD Kazepov & Univ.-Prof.Dr. Alan Scott
Research assistant, University of Vienna
Horizon2020 project COHSMO: Inequality, urbanization and territorial cohesion: Developing the European social model of economic growth and democratic capacity.
Univ-Prof. Yuri Kazepov, PhD Kazepov
Research assistant, University of Innsbruck
EU 7th Framework Research project SINFONIA: Socio-economic analysis of the refurbishment measurements in Innsbruck and Bolzano in coordination with partners from EURAC.
Univ-Prof.Dr. Wolfgang Streicher
Junior assistant, University of Innsbruck
Research and development of a database on scientific curricula with ERC grants for the research project ERASCIENCE.
Dr. Barbara Bach-Hönig
Summer 2023
Lecturer, University of Vienna
Seminar: Introduction to Sociology
Winter 2022/23
Lecturer, University of Vienna
Seminar: Introduction to Sociology
Course: Theoretical Foundations ("Reading Classics of Sociology")
Summer 2022
Lecturer, University of Vienna
Seminar: Introduction to Sociology
Seminar: Research Practice 2: Social and environmental sustainability - Trade-offs and opportunities
Together with Prof. Yuri Kazepov
Winter 2020/21
Lecturer, University of Innsbruck
Full online course Scientific Writing in Sociology
2012–2014, 2016
Tutor, University of Innsbruck
Applied Methods of Social Sciences for one semester 2016.
Ass.-Prof. Claudia Globisch
Introduction to Sociology for three semesters 2012-2014.
ao. Univ.-Prof. Heinz-Jürgen Niedenzu
Statistics for one semester 2012.
ao. Univ.-Prof. Gilg Seeber
Awards and Scholarships
2021 Marietta Blau-Grant, OeAD (Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation)
Financial support for seven-month study and research abroad.
Project: Field research on local welfare and active labour market policy practice in the UK
2020 sowi:docs Fellowship, University of Vienna
Competitive Prae-doc Position to fully fund excellent dissertation projects, 3 years.
2019 Austrian Sociological Association
Award for best master thesis 2017-2018
2012, 2014, 2015 University of Innsbruck
Academic excellence scholarship
2015-2016 Pro Scientia
Scholarship for excellence